Roundtable Wellness

Natalie Sales- Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

What is a Health Coach?

A health coach inspires and motivates clients to achieve their goals and make long-term changes to their diet and lifestyle. From weight loss and stress management to creating healthier relationships. I've got you!

Let me help you feel like the best version of you!

"My mission is to play a crucial role in improving the health and happiness of my clients and, through that process, create a ripple effect that transforms the world to live as the very best version of themselves."

Natalie Sales, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach 

Core Concepts

Very few lifestyle choices are as impactful as physical activity.

We're hardwired for connection!

Health is a journey, not a destination.

Great Things My Clients Say


January 9, 2022
Bio-individuality is our most foundational theory. It’s the idea that everyone has different needs. Just as we are all unique in mind, body, and spirit – we are also unique in the things that support our individual health and happiness. When it comes to diet, lifestyle, and what makes you happy, what works for you won’t necessarily work for your family members, friends, or coworkers. In fact, my trainer and mentor, Joshua Rosenthal, often says, “One person’s food is another person’s poison.” In other words, no one diet, or lifestyle works for two people. Health is complex and multidimensional. There are so many variables that it’s impossible for all our needs to be the same. It’s not as simple as maintaining a healthy diet or exercise regimen; it’s understanding that there’s a lot more to it than just making the “right choices.” It’s experimenting to find what the right decisions are for you – the right environment, diet, or workout that helps you thrive right now at this point in your life. And as a Health Coach – that is exactly what I’m here to do! Primary food refers to what nourishes us off the plate. We call it primary food because wellness goes beyond the food we eat. We know that we all need food to survive, but primary food emphasizes that we’re multidimensional beings. We need more than just food to thrive. Primary food is powerful because it helps bring awareness to the full picture of health. It reminds us to take a step back when we are feeling imbalanced and look at our health from a big-picture perspective. We’ve known for a long time that diet, physical activity, and interpersonal relationships have a direct correlation with overall wellness. We’re also starting to recognize the impact that lifestyle factors have on physical, emotional, and mental health. Secondary food is the food that we eat every day – it’s the food on our plate. Secondary food refers to the nourishment we derive from the food we eat and explores the intersection of nutrition and health. Our secondary food choices are driven by many components – some of which may not seem connected to diet at all. Therefore if we’re only looking at diet, we’re only seeing a piece of the puzzle. Together we will pinpoint those missing pieces!
January 8, 2022
The health coaching program is holistic in that I encourage treating the whole person in regard to health and wellness. I have been exposed to more than 100 different dietary theories to discover the importance of highq uality, nutrient-dense foods. While good dietary nutrition helps build the foundation for wellness, it’s not the only pillar. A core principle in my practice is that nutrition extends far beyond food – nutrition comprises all things that nourish the body. I have been trained to help my clients nourish themselves with the primary foods of life, including spirituality, career, physical activity, and relationships. Research continues to support the use of lifestyle change involving exercise, spiritual practice, diet, and other behaviors for conditions such as chronic stress, weight loss, migraine headaches, constipation, and arthritis, as well as many others. The United States is facing a healthcare crisis as the current system fails to address the epidemic of chronic disease crippling its citizens and economy. Even though over $3 trillion is spent annually on healthcare, our nation is plagued with preventable epidemics like type 2 diabetes, from which one-third of all children today will eventually suffer. If over 80% of preventable disease risk factors are influenced by behaviors like smoking, chronic stress, poor diet, or lack of exercise, why are we so unsuccessful at changing these behaviors? The standard American diet is spreading throughout the world and bringing with it the chronic diseases it causes. While traditional medical professionals play specific roles in contributing to an individual’s overall wellness, the current healthcare model fails to bring about lasting, healthy lifestyle changes. More than 65% of Americans are overweight, and it is estimated that by 2022 half of all Americans will have a chronic disease. Physicians, nurses, dietitians, and other healthcare professionals serve crucial functions but may not have the time or intent to discuss other factors that prevent clients from carrying out their well-intentioned recommendations. As a Health Coach, I help fill this void. I have been trained to promote core, foundational health concepts to individuals all over the world and to support them in making sustainable lifestyle changes. With a strong focus on behavioral choices along with the basic understanding of dietary patterns and overall health, I am able to fulfill an important and distinct role that does not rely on an advanced degree in medicine, nutrition science, or dietetics. I do not directly compete with other healthcare providers; rather, I complement all health professionals, including dietitians, nutritionists, nurses, doctors, and mental health professionals. I help my clients develop target goals and a viable plan for carrying out regimens prescribed by their medical professionals as well as enacting basic, health-supportive modifications and habits. By supporting real-world lifestyle and behavioral changes, as a health coach I play a crucial part in health maintenance, disease prevention, and even disease reversal – supporting the concerted mission of all healthcare professionals to increase health and the quality of life. To Our Health! ~Natalie
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